In order to meet objective (1), AUDITOR consortium will work on the upgrade of existing GNSS augmentation networks by implementing and demonstrating new techniques in a proof of concept prototype network composed of reference stations, network SW, and user RX module.
A custom dual-frequency receiver module will be implemented, porting a GNSS software-defined receiver to an embedded system that will integrate hardware accelerators to enable real-time operation in a low power system, including all the advantages of software receivers: modularity, scalability, upgradability and flexibility.
This augmentation network will be exploited in the precision agriculture market. Specifically, farmers in areas of southern Europe with insufficient EGNOS coverage, or small and medium size farms not willing to pay for expensive private RTK solutions will find AUDITOR as a suitable solution for their precise navigation needs. Objective (2) is intended to exploit this market niche.
Project Coordinator: ACORDE Technologies S.A.
Project Partners:
Methodologies adopted and techniques investigated will be implemented according to an overall strategy of reducing the risk of failure, reaching the objectives within the time schedule, maximizing the yield of the resources allocated for the project (research staff and all the other funding) and the quality of the research outputs. In particular, the overall project is broken down into 10 work packages (WP) and 42 tasks spread over the 24 months of expected project duration.